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The Long Lunch

Last Sunday was the Bowral Long Lunch. A fabulous day where a small community came together to raise funds and celebrate all that is wonderful in Australia. The purpose of the event was to raise funds for a Specialist Youth Mental Health Nurse to operate out of our local Hospital. So many people volunteered their time, money and expertise to this wonderful charity it was really quite overwhelming. Not to say there weren't some "hitches" along the way, of course there always is but the response from the local community was inspiring to say the least.

We moved to the town of Bowral 12 months ago and in that time we have met so many people it feels like we have lived here most of our lives.

If you are considering a move to a smaller country town from a big city as we did, the recipe for success is to "get involved"! and have the "time of your life"!

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