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Brake the habit - save big $$

It's human nature to take the most familiar path. Whether it's paying your insurance, banking, weekly shopping or in this case bi-annual eye test and possibly new glasses.

He and I were in Melbourne (for the Australian Open but that's another story) recently and had some down time. Both he and I had been contacted by our "National Optical Dispenser" to remind us it was time to have our eye tests. Meandering around the City we came across a new and funky eye-wear company "Oscar-Wylee" and decided to go have the 'eye-test'. A very attentive staff arranged the tests and then assisted while we tried on every pair of glasses on display. As it turned out He chose a pair that would be mailed to us within 2 weeks. They arrived within 7 days and were perfect. He is very happy.

I should point out that His glasses from Oscar Wylee only cost $109.00 after the annual rebate from our health care provider.

The pair I chose were not in stock and I decided, since I had bought 3 expensive pairs 2 years ago which I still liked, that I would take my new prescription back to Sydney and have the the "National Optical Dispenser" just replace the lenses. I assumed that since His complete glasses cost $109.00 ($409 less $300 from the health care provider) that simply replacing the lens' would be a good cost effective solution.

WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! I visited my "National Optical Dispenser" and asked for a quote to replace the lenses only in one (1) pair of glasses. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather, when the assistant quoted $620.00 for ONE PAIR of lenses. On arrival home I shared this information with Him and we decided that the assistant must have misunderstood and the best course of action was to contact the "National Optical Dispenser" Head Office by phone and ask for a quote.

Well, it was confirmed: to replace just the lenses in one pair of glasses was indeed $620.00 and my sunglasses would be at least $100 more (that's an additional $720.00) depending on what type of 'tint' I selected!

I'm off to Oscar-Wylee next week and the "National Optical Dispenser" has lost our business. At the moment I'm unsure about advising them. I probably will in the nicest possible way.

Please Note: This is not a paid advertisement for Oscar-Wylee, this is just our experience.

....and remember have a fabulous

and remember....have a fabulous....

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