Please watch this United Nations video and let's start to reduce our personal usage of plastic products. We need to start taking responsibility for our own consumption, and make wiser choices.
It isn't up to governments to legislate or corporations to decide what we need. That's our obligation. If we start buying sustainable products and shun the polluting stuff then companies will modify to satisfy demand.
Where to start? Looking in the shopping trolley, you could be overwhelmed by the amount of plastic and change required. I'm starting on a room by room basis, firstly the bathroom.
I've started researching alternatives and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of choice out there. Everything from not buying your toilet paper wrapped in plastic to bamboo toothbrushes. I've just found Shampoo and Conditioner that is sold in 'bar' form - just like a cake of soap. Not only is this good for the environment but think about travel - how much easier to travel through customs with the worry of liquid in your carry on! Most impressive was my discovery of Himalayan Rock Salt as a deodorant, also sold like a cake of soap. You simply moisten it and rub under your arms. I've been using this for months now and it works. When I purchased it from my health food shop the owner told me I'd never buy deodorant again - it really lasts that long!
Whilst you may think that this is all going to cost a lot of money,maybe not. My Rock salt deodorant is a good example - $8.00 for years and years.
I found some good places for you to start Flora & Fauna is an Australian Company that provides many products and Who gives a Crap is one of the great citizens of the world.
Important that you know I have no affiliation with any company nor do I receive any money from advertising. Click the picture to take you to their website.
...and remember...have a fabulous retirementLIFE....