I watched in awe of Dr. Rolf Gnomes on 'Australian Story' on 18th July, 2016. This is one heck of a motivated man who is making a difference. I urge you to click on all the 'links' and donate to this wonderful cause! I understand our governments are doing nothing to support 'The Heart of Australia'.
The remainder of this story comes directly from the "Heart of Australia" website.
About Heart of Australia
Heart of Australia is a program that embodies the most innovative approach to front-line specialist medical service delivery in generations, specifically aiming to help Australians whose lives are
threatened by this nation's vast distances.
Heart of Australia delivers the following medical services locally:
Cardiology Consultations
Stress Echocardiograms
Exercise Stress Testing
Holter Monitoring
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
Sleep Apnoea Testing
Complex Respiratory Function Testing
As need is identified, primarily through Queensland’s hard-working General Practitioner doctors, more specialist services will be included.
Please donate to this wonderful organisation.
...and remember...have a fabulous retirementLIFE!